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2023학년도 1학기 선택교양 일몰 교과목 재수강 지정 목록 및 신청 안내 2023.02.27

As the undergraduate General Education courses have been reorganized to the General Education (previously General Education Requisite) since 2019, the following courses are designated as re-takable courses for the abolished General Education Elective courses. Therefore, among the students who have taken the abolished elective classes, those who want to retake this semester should apply for a retake according to the instructions below.

1. Application Period: March 6 (Mon) 9:00 - March 8 (Wed) 17:00

2. Eligibility: Students who have already completed an abolished course among the previously General Education Electives, and wish to retake the course in the Spring 2023 semester

3. How to Apply

A. 재수강을 희망하는 과목에 대하여 붙임 1의 재수강처리 지정목록 포함여부를 확인

B. Select one of the courses on the list that can be re-taken and matched to the previous courses and complete the course registration for the Spring 2023 semester during the course enrollment add and drop period.

C. Proceed with the re-take application through the Yonsei Portal

4. Notes

A. Only the subjects listed in the attached list can be re-taken.

B. Re-take is applicable only for those newly applied courses in the Spring 2023 semester or later. The subjects you have previously taken cannot be replaced retroactively with each other.

C. Subjects that apply for re-take are recognized only as the General Education Electives or UC Electives according to the student's entering year and the subjects' types and are not recognized as the General Education Requisites or UC Requisites.

D. After the re-take process has been completed, you cannot cancel the re-take under any circumstances.

E. However, the application for the re-take will be invalidated when the take is withdrawn, and the possible number of re-take will not be deducted.

F. The list of designated re-takes may vary depending on the status of the course openings for each semester.

G. In the case of graduation and completion applicants, the initial completed credits will be deleted when the re-take process is completed. So please check whether the graduation credit is not affected.

5. Contact

A. University College Administration Team: Sinchon 02-2123-3038, International 032-749-3129

B. Academic Support Team, Office of Academic Affairs: 02-2123-2090