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Center for Continuing Education and Development

The Institution of Continuing Education for the Future was founded to provide IT education and training to students. The institution creates value as a part of the educational institutions of Yonsei University.
The institution runs classes open to the community and hopes to encourage continued learning. Moreover, Volunteer Center was founded in the Center to provide structured social service opportunities

Campus Location

Eagle Plaza Rm201

Contact Info

033-760-2702, 2703, 2705


Center for Continuing Education

Provides various courses in diverse fields to encourage learning (open to all)

IT Education Center

Provides learning curriculum for students to be able to independently process information.

Center for Social Service

Develops Social Service Programs and supports student-initiated service programs

Testing Center

Hosts international certification examinations (Microsoft, JAVA-SCJP, etc), language qualification examinations (TOEIC, TOEIC-Speaking, etc)

Government Approved Institution

  • Period : 5.1 ~ 6.30 / 11.1 ~ 12.30
  • Eligibility : Students in their 6th registered semester
  • Procedures
    • Students that have acquired certificates or that have completed approved subsequent courses at the Center of Continuing Education and Development
      Automatic Approval : Updated on Yonsei portal from 5.21 onwards (or 11.21 onwards)
    • Students must visit the center in person with the original certificate, a copy of the certificate ( in A4size) and student ID.