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Guidelines for Undergraduate Classes of 2020 Fall Semester 2020.07.06
Academic Support Team

- Guidelines for Undergraduate Classes of Fall 2020 Semester-

Starting from the Fall 2020 Semester, Yonsei University is planning to operate 100% online or offline or mixed classes of online and offline(Blended Learning Class, hereafter BLENDING classes) depending on each class’s situation. The university is preparing for the smooth operation of online and BLENDING classes during the summer vacation by expanding online class infrastructure through the establishment of automatic recording classrooms and the expansion of media storage, based on the experience of online lectures from the first semester. To prevent the spread of COVID-19 on campus, we will introduce various types of classes - online, offline, and BLENDING - to not only follow quarantine guidelines but also to reduce the time and number of students gathering on campus as much as possible guarantee students’ option for classes.

1. Online classes only include pre-recorded video lectures or real-time online lectures - or mixes of the two.

2. BLENDING Classes: classes of 3 credits will be 2-hour-online + 1-hour-offline or 1-hour-online + 2-hour-offline per week.

3. General Education Classes and Major Courses for First-year Students(International Campus)

A. Classes with 51 students or more will be conducted 100% online as a rule. However, classes such as laboratory, practice or studio can be allowed offline.

B. Classes with 50 students or less

1) Required lecture-based class with divisions: offline classes, online classes, and BLENDING classes are all provided

2) Required lecture-based class without divisions: 100% online

3) Elective lecture-based class: BLENDING classes are recommended, but online and offline classes are also possible.

4) Experiments, practice, and practical courses with divisions: 20% or more of the courses are offered 100% online

5) Laboratory, practice or studio classes without divisions: 100% non-face-to-face classes

4. Display of undergraduate class timetable on Yonsei Portal

A. Fall 2020 Semester Class Schedule Announcement Date: 2020.7.13 (Mon.)

B. Offline and real-time online classes show both the class-time and classroom. Pre-recorded content classes’ class time shows mid-term and final test hours.

1) To comply with the quarantine guidelines, classrooms that can accommodate more than 150% of the total registered students are allocated.

2) Real-time online classes: show class-time and display classroom as "real-time online"

3) Pre-recorded content classes: show mid-term and final test hours and display classroom as "Pre-recorded content"

5. Refer to course syllabus to check online(pre-recorded content, real-time) and offline class types and times.

6. For all courses, including 100% online classes, offline/face-to-face mid-term and final tests are the principle. Test hours are introduced in the reference at the course catalog and course syllabus.

7. All classes can be changed to 100% online classes depending on the spread of the COVID-19.

Academic Support Team

Office of Academic Affairs

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