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The 2008 Middle East Student Conference 2008.07.07
공통 주한 이스라엘 대사관

안녕하십니까? 제 1회 "Middle East Student Conference"가 8월 17일에서 22일 이스라엘 Tel Aviv University에서 개최 됩니다. 이번 회의에서는 여러 국가에서 참가한 학생들이 모여 이스라엘-팔레스타인 문제를 포함하여 중동의 역사와 갈등에 관하여 토론을 할 예정입니다. 분야 전문가들의 협상 기법과 외교에 관한 강의도 준비되어 있습니다.

참가에 관한 자세한 내용은 www.mesc-tlv.com 를 참고해 주시기 바랍니다.

많은 한국 학생들의 관심과 참여를 바랍니다.

주한 이스라엘 대사관


In times like these, when tolerance is rare and needed more than ever and dialog is a word we do not come across often enough, we invite you to come and make a difference. If you, just like us, believe that dialog and communication are the key to a better tomorrow, come and join us in the 1st Middle East Student Conference!

The student fellows of the Stand With Us international fellowship are proud to present the 1st Middle East Student Conference which will take place, in Tel Aviv University, between the 17th and 22nd of August 2008.

The MESC offers you a unique opportunity to shape your own ideas regarding the Israeli- Palestinian conflict and have a deeper understanding of the Middle East's complex reality. The conference combines fascinating lectures from top speakers on the art of negotiation, diplomacy, and much more with tours in places where contemporary history is written.

MESC is a prestigious conference, which promotes communication, tolerance, breaking myths, pluralism and dialog. If you are tired of learning about reality through the eyes of editors, seize this opportunity and join us!

For further information about us and the Middle East Student Conference go to our website www.mesc-tlv.com