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Health Center

Health Center

Health Center provides examination by an M.D. specialist in medicine, first aid, external injury, vaccination, checkups, and dental cure. All facilities are modern and are operated by a ubiquitous information system that digitally links all organizations together efficiently. With these infrastructures, Health Center continues to develop by balancing education, research and patient care, which together are helping people to realize the center’s mission of freeing humankind from disease and suffering with the love of God.

Campus Location

Examination TeamStudent Union Building 207

Phone Number


Health Center homepage


Examination Room

  • Family practice faculty consults and examines and in cases of more inspection the patients are sent to Severance Hospital.
  • Certificate of immunity for study abroad can be given after checkup.


  • Provides prescriptions, general pharmaceuticals and first aid medicine

Therapy Room

  • External injury are dealt with and vaccination can be given under reservation

    Vaccination : Hepatitis A , B hepatitis , influenza, pneumonia , cervical cancer , MMR ( measles, mumps , rubella ), Tdap ( tetanus , diphtheria, pertussis) , meningococcal meningitis , chicken pox

Diagnostic laboratory

  • Can be inspected and examined, if required the professional diagnosis and the test will be requested to an outside agency, test items are as follows.

    CBC test (red blood cells, white blood cells, hemoglobin, platelets)

    Biochemical tests (liver function, kidney function, blood glucose, glycated hemoglobin (Hba1c), lipids, gout)

    Hepatitis (A type, B type, C type, HBeAg / B hepatitis antigen when: infectious test)

    Thyroid function, rubella, chickenpox, measles, mumps

    AIDS and syphilis tests

    Cancer Index (liver cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer) test

    Blood tests

    Urine tests

    Electrocardiogram (EKG) and body fat tests


  • It provides oral health education and preventive scaling (removal of plaque). However reservation is mandatory.