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[RESEARCH FRONTIER] Development of Platform for Mass-Producing 3D Stem Cell Spheroids

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

—Spheroids Have Great Potential for Cell Regeneration Therapies and Treating Vascular Diseases

—Selected as Cover Article for Journal Advanced Materials

A Yonsei research team led by Professors Lee Tae-yoon and Cho Seung-woo has developed a new platform for mass-producing three-dimensional (3D) stem cell spheroids. This new technology is expected to have a number of medical applications, particularly in treating vascular diseases and cell regeneration therapies. The 3D stem cell spheroids, which are composed of clusters of more than 1000 single cells, have the potential to promote angiogenesis, the process by which new blood vessels are formed from preexisting vessels. The method created by Professors Lee and Cho for producing functional, high-quality 3D cell spheroids uses super-hydrophobic surfaces, an advance which increases cell-to-cell communication and the efficacy of blood vessel regeneration.   

The results of the research were published November 5 as the cover article of Advanced Materials with the title “Switchable Water-Adhesive, Superhydrophobic Palladium-Layered Silicon Nanowires Potentiate the Angiogenic Efficacy of Human Stem Cell Spheroids.” According to Professors Lee and Cho, their research “proposes a new method to mass produce 3D cell spheroids, which have great potential for cell therapy and tissue engineering due to their therapeutic and regenerative capacity.” They added: “This method may be applied to other kinds of cells and could be utilized in a variety of ways by the biotechnology industry.”