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[YONSEI NEWS] “Donation of 100 million won in memory of her brother’s legacy”

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

“My brother had a special interest in contributing to society. I am happy that I could carry out my brother’s wish.” Song Min-kyung (48 • Left) explained that this was the reason why she would like to make a 100 million won donation to Yonsei University. Her brother, Song Kwang-heun, was a Yonsei graduate. He died in May. Yonsei announced that Song and her family conveyed their wish to make a donation on November 14th. In 2005, Song Kwang-heun established Korea’s first EAP (Employee Assistance Program) company, C&M. When the company was on its feet, Song started studying at Yonsei University’s Graduate School of Public Administration and got his M.A. earlier this year. However, he died in a car accident 3 months later at the age of 46. His sister said that, “He constantly reminded himself and others to try to make our happiness something greater to be shared with everybody. I wish the donation would benefit students and help those in need.”