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[YONSEI NEWS] Yonsei’s Prominence in 2011 5th-Grade Foreign Service Open Recruitment

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

Yonseians Occupy 27.6% of Total Successful Applicants Yonseians have already started to reap fruitful results in the state examinations this year. On June 17th, the final admitted candidates of the 2011 5th-Grade Foreign Service Open Recruitment were announced, which contained 8 Yonseians—Kim Do-hyeong (Political Science and International Studies in Class ’02), Kim Yong-hui (UIC Political Science and International Studies in Class ’07), Kim Yoon-hye (Political Science and International Studies in Class ’06), Maeng Su-jin Political Science and International Studies in Class ’05), Lee Jeong-ryul (Political Science and International Studies in Class ’06), Lee Hye-ri (Economics in Class ’04), Lim Jin-seon (Political Science and International Studies in Class ’01), and Choi Eun-yeong (Political Science and International Studies in Class ’07). As shown in the table, Yonsei has regained second place in the number of successful candidates of the 5th-Grade Foreign Service Open Recruitment. Yonsei’s percentage has increased by 13.9%, reducing the gap with Seoul National University (SNU). Although SNU graduates constitute the largest percentage of 37.9%, this is not only a decrease of 10.7% compared to last year’s results, but the lowest in the past 5 years. Contrast to last year’s noticeable record, this year Korea University fell back to third place. Other admitted candidates of the Recruitment this year include graduates from Sogang University, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Ewha Womans University, University of Incheon, Cornell University, and Peking University.