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Yonsei News

[YONSEI NEWS] Yonsei Helps Underprivileged Children Learn and Grow Dreams

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

2010 Summer Hope Expedition The Yonsei Hope Expedition reaches out to young students who live in rural and remote villages that are educationally underprivileged. The Hope Expedition, which was launched in 2008, consists of a group of Yonseians who help these young students be motivated and interested in learning. The group teaches school subjects and also provides career counseling to inspire them to dream about and prepare for their future. In 2008, the expedition was traveled to Yeongwol, Danyang, and Jecheon. In Jecheon, the expedition held a family camp for broken or one-parent families, inviting the students and their family members. The camp provided these families an opportunity to communicate and share deep feelings with one another. The camp and expedition proved to be a total success. The Hope Expedition this year is stretching out to Kangwon, Chungbuk, Jeonnam, and Kyeongbuk provinces. Professor Song In-hwan (Department of Social Welfare), Vice-director of the Yonsei Volunteer Center said, “The Hope Expedition was designed to nurture elites with warm hearts who serve their neighbors and the world. This program will continue to fulfill the serving and sharing culture.”