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Yonsei News

[Global Network] International Scholars’ Day

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

95 International Members of the Yonsei Faculty Gather International members of the Yonsei faculty came together for an evening of global gathering of nationalities, languages, and ideas. The Office of International Affairs (Dean Ha Yeon-seob) held the “First International Scholars’ Day” on May 1 at the University President’s Resident. 150 guests including 95 international faculty members were present. Following the welcoming speech of President Jung Chang-Young, Professor James Perry of Indiana University, who is currently teaching at the Yonsei Department of Public Administration as a Fulbright Distinguished Scholar, spoke on behalf of the entire international faculty. Office of International Affairs Associate Director Park Woo-suk’s family performed traditional Korean music for the guests. The guests were later presented with the school badge and were thus united under the name of Yonsei. They were also asked to act as Yonsei representatives in their home country. Currently at Yonsei, there are 180 international faculty members (full-time, part-time, and research positions included), and the number is steadily growing. The Office of International Affairs is planning to celebrate the International Scholar’s Day every year and provide many more programs that will enrich the cultural experience of the international faculty and give them a sense of Yonsei pride.