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Yonsei News

[The 21C Innovative Leader in Yonsei] Making Hope! Servant Leadership of Yonsei Volunteer Corps

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

The Yonsei Volunteer Corps (YVC) was founded to serve its neighbors and to offer students the opportunity to “love their neighbors” through an organized systematic volunteering structure based on the principle of ‘truth and liberty’, which is the spirit foundation of Yonsei University. In order to achieve an effective volunteering system, the YVC cooperates with other volunteering organizations. Furthermore, on October 10th 2005, the YVC had an establishment ceremony to broaden volunteering services through expanding volunteering courses and uniting organizations. Let us recognize the vision and the status of Yonsei Vonlunteers which celebrates its first anniversary Let’s Achieve Together, ‘Creating a Better World with Yonsei’ Through the YVC, Yonsei University aims at serving its neighbors, educating future global leaders who devote themselves to humankind, and making Yonsei an institution that can be relied upon by the world. The YVC plays a key role in the movement of loving the world with a vision known as ‘Making a Better World with Yonsei.’ The Yonsei Volunteer Corps tries to systematize its volunteering structure and adopt the spirit of charity, which has been the principle of Yonsei since its foundation. The long-term vision of the YVC is to set up a roadmap for the Yonsei Community for Famine by enhancing the network of Serving and Sharing of Yonsei. The strategies for the vision are composed of three stages; First stage (Oct, 2005 ~ Sep, 2006): 1.Organize committees of operation and planning 2. Select president, vice presidents and managers 3. Organize a department specifically to serve the Shinchon community. Second stage (Sep, 2006 ~ Dec, 2009): 1. Organize a board of directors, expand nation-wide, publish the journal ‘A Better World with Yonsei’, secure supporters. Third stage (2010): Expand the Yonsei Community for Famine to the World. As a result, the YVC focuses on practical volunteer work and support, and systematization of long-term perspectives. Also, the following shows a list of the main areas in which the YVC is proactively working on; systematizing volunteer activities, managing and assessing volunteering courses, supporting voluntary activities, developing new volunteering programs, building a relationship with other organizations, educating donation campaigns, issuing volunteer certificates, and developing and supporting international volunteer services. Flying up in 2006 Yonsei NaNum Concert, Volunteer and Yonsei Spirit Seminar, Public Subscription for Volunteers. Founded in October of last year, the Yonsei Volunteer Corps is at a point of moving up a step to the second stage after completing the first stage in September. This is why the year 2006 is very important to the YVC for many reasons. The YVC aimed at increasing its volunteer participation up to 15% and opening up 12 courses associated with volunteering. Also, the YVC devoted careful attention to the local community of Shinchon, and tried to build a voluntary system. Starting with the development of its homepage, Yonsei Vonlunteer Award was established. In addition, supporters and voluntary groups have been organized for the disabled. Furthermore, the YVC supported the Vietnam School Building Construction Campaign and cultural interchanges between Korea and Japan through Yonsei-Kwansei Habitat. Also, the YVC was there when regions of Korea were badly hit by the heavy rains. In the second half of the year, big events are scheduled commemorating its one year anniversary. First, on October 14th, Yonsei NaNum Concert is scheduled to be held. The Yonsei Alumnus, along with celebrities from Yonsei, will join the concert. There will be a dinner party at Kuang-He-Won for Mentors and Mentees of the YVC prior to the concert.. There will be a seminar on volunteering and the spirit of Yonsei at the Baek-Yang-Gwan. The Alumnus who are currently working for voluntary organizations are scheduled to come on the 19th of October and are going to share their experiences and networks which are expected to set good examples for the YVC to do a better job. Finally, for the months of October and November, public subscription for volunteers will be held. Meanwhile, the YVC is intending to attract more people by setting up a certification system. Preview of 2007~2010 Expanding Subjects Related to Voluntary Activities, Voluntary-Day-Off Policy for Faculty The plan from the second stage is focused on expanding both quality and quantity. Laying groundwork for stable voluntary work in the first stage, the second stage is intended to broaden the scope of activities. The YVC is planning to acquire more than twelve thousand supporters nationally. By publishing a journal and setting up a homepage, the YVC is expecting to attract more people and to draw 70% of the Yonsei community to join in on voluntary activities. In order to achieve that, the YVC is expanding volunteering courses and promoting a 2-day vacation system for the faculty, which will be a designated day for them to take time and do voluntary activities. At the third stage, the YVC is going to reach beyond campus, beyond our nation, and into the world. Obtaining Sufficient Funds, Resources, Facilities, and Manpower is Critical In the first and second stages of the YVC road map, stability of the organization will be the key target and in the third stage, becoming financially sufficient and being able to independently fund personnel expenses will be the next. Receiving 820 milion won annually until the year 2010 is their goal. The support from the faculty, supporters, and corporations are crucial. Concerts and events such as a walk-a-thon will continuously be held for fund-raising activities. “A lot of voluntary teams are working for the YVC, but there is no meeting space or PC equipment provided for them. And I truly feel bad about this situation. They could achieve much more if they could have a meeting space; exchanging ideas resulting in a synergy effect,” said Jung, Guang-Soon, the team leader of Foreign Cooperation Secretariat. He said this unfortunate situation applies not only to the students, but also in the practical field of voluntary services. There is simply not enough support. “There are many study rooms which are supported by the mentoring system. However, on the subject of relationships between mentors and mentees, there are still many fields which are in need of great support. These fields include watching movies and experiencing outdoor activities with each other, at least once or twice a year. Such after-school activities would result in building a better relationship between the participants by offering the underprivileged children something special. The experiences from these activities are much more worthy than the time and the money that the supporters present.” Even though the YVC is doing a great job, they are having a hard time, lacking volunteers. Obtaining enough funds, facilities, manpower and support remains as unsolved challenges. Execution of Love and Servant Leadership Yonsei University is a Christian, educational institution, that has been established to cultivate people who will spread truth and liberty to our race and the people around the world. Now, on the foundation of Yonsei’s 120-year history, we dream of ‘the beautiful world that will be created through Yonsei’, by following the path of ‘Serving and Volunteering’, and intend to fulfill the summons that have been laid upon us. Today, we reconfirm that Yonsei is a ‘Serving Yonsei’ through honest guidance and ambitious learning and we confirm a resolution for our Execution of Love.” In the declaration of the Yonsei Volunteering Corps (YVC), we can strongly observe the values of our university and the outline of the YVC’s feature plans. The core plan that they want to achieve is the ‘Execution of Love.’ We hope that the newly born YVC progresses its goals and dreams within the near future, maybe even within 2010. In addition, we hope it continues to spread its vision to our school, our nation, and our world, alongside with the growth of our Yonsei University.