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[ABOUT YONSEI] Yonsei Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD)

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

Yonsei Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD)
-Learning and Living together
A Yonsei community in which all students are enabled to live and learn together.
- Provide support to students with disabilities to enable high academic performance
- Ensure safe transportation for students with disabilities around campus and improve access and accommodations
- Increase the Yonsei community’s awareness of the rights and needs of students with disabilities


Yonsei CSD was created to support students with disabilities in their academic performance and campus life by providing meaningful accommodations and increasing access to programs and activities offered by the university. The center was established in 2005. In 2010, the Committee for the Education of Disabled Students was founded, which led to a reorganization that made the center’s services more professional and systematic.


•Yonsei CSD Office
This is where the center’s staff is located. Any student with a disability can come here to receive a consultation and apply for the various support services. Within the center, there is also a designated resting area for students.
•Reading Room Exclusively for Disabled Students
On the fourth floor of the Central Library on the Sinchon Campus, there is a designated reading room for students with disabilities. The room contains various learning assistance devices, including optical magnifiers and sense readers. There is an identical facility on the sixth floor of the Underwood Memorial Library on the Yonsei International Campus.
Support Services
To accommodate various kinds of disabilities, Yonsei CSD provides consultations, note-taking services, textbook services (scanning, typing), tutoring, and equipment rental services while liaising with faculty members to ensure that students with disabilities are given adequate accommodations for exams and other academic activities. The center also provides transportation around campus, ensures that students are able to participate in university activities, and handles requests to improve university facilities, such that they are accessible to all students. Additionally, the center offers scholarships and career assistance.


Yonsei CSD pursues for an inclusive campus where academic rights and needs of students with disabilities are respected.