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Yonsei News

[SERVANT LEADERSHIP] 'Yonsei Educamp' Mentoring Program

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

‘Educamp’Mentoring Program for Children
in Rural Fishing and Farming Communities
-Closing the Education Gap
Since 2008, Yonsei has organized a summer camp for children in rural fishing and farming communities. The Educamp is run by Yonsei student volunteers who teach and mentor the young students. The volunteers teach subjects that include English, Math, Science, Art, and Physical Education, while offering creativity workshops and life coaching. A central goal of the camp is to build confidence in the student mentees.
Educamp Co-Director Yoon-kyum Cho said, “Our mission at Yonsei Educamp focuses on providing sophisticated, quality education to rural communities where such benefits are often not available. The camp offers equal learning opportunities for elementary school students and provides opportunities for mental growth and service for the college students who participate here.”