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[ABOUT YONSEI] Yonsei International Campus Residential College

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

Yonsei International Campus Residential College
 “Integration of Living and Learning”
The Yonsei Residential College (RC) on the International Campus aims to instill creativity and servant leadership in students through a holistic education program. The Residence Hall thus serves as a hands-on learning space where students take part in diverse extracurricular learning and community service activities throughout the week.
The RC program aims to nurture global talents by helping students to tap their full potential. In integrating living and learning, Yonsei is preparing students to lead the next generation with the values known as the “3Cs”: Christianity, Creativity, and Connectivity.
The RC provides an optimal environment for students from diverse backgrounds and cultures to interact with each other and create future-oriented knowledge. At the same time, students learn the values of sharing, communication, and multicultural awareness by living and learning together.
RC Triple Advising System
Students in the RC are guided by the “triple” advising system, which is designed to cater to each student’s individual needs. Students receive support and advice from major advisors, academic advisors, and residential masters.



Major Advisor


Academic Advisor Residential Master
- Responsible for freshmen’s major
- Helps to foster sense of belonging in major and bond with mentors
- Gives advice on major and career
- Responsible for freshmen’s academic well-being
- Organizes and runs education
programs for freshmen
- Runs seminars for freshmen
- Gives integrated advice on the overall freshmen curriculum
- Faculty in charge of the residence hall
- Develops and runs programs according to the different residence hall
- Fosters character and sense of
- Educates and manages RC Residential Assistants (RA)




Cultivating Community Spirit and Leadership
The RC’s education program consists of academic courses and Holistic Education (HE) courses. The HE program has three parts: Social Contribution (HE I), Culture and Arts (HE II), and Physical Education (HE III). Besides HE courses, the RC also offers the RC 101 course to help freshmen adjust to university life and develop effective study skills.
Every Yonsei freshman on the International Campus lives in one of twelve residence halls, such as Underwood House and Baekyang House. Each one is home to approximately 300 students, along with a faculty member who serves as Residential Master (RM) and several upper-level students who work as Residential Assistants (RA).
Each house has a unique identity and runs various programs according to that identity. In the case of Muak House, the big event is the “Muak Concert,” which allows students to showcase their talents developed in the RC program. At Avison House, students meet with fellow residents and the RM over refreshments during “Master’s Tea Time.”
In nurturing future global leaders, the RC program is structured around Creative Education, Integrated Education, and Sharing Education, which are based on the values of Yonsei’s “3Cs.”