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Yonsei News

[SERVANT LEADERSHIP] Share Lunch Project

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

Share Lunch Project
-Faculty and Staff Provide Lunches for Student in Need
Yonsei faculty and staff members are taking part in the Share Lunch Project, which provides lunches for students who would otherwise go without due to financial difficulties. The project was initiated by the Office of the Chaplain, and it kicked off April 6. Thus far, around 275 staff and faculty members have contributed to the program. In the words of one of these faculty members: “It is a duty for Yonsei faculty and employees to help provide lunch for the students.”
In March, the university chaplain asked students who needed assistance to email his office. About 250 students applied for the lunches, but the Office of the Chaplain believes that the actual number of hungry students could be greater. According to Director Han In-chul: “There were so many emails that we could not meet the needs of all the students who contacted us. However, with the school’s anniversary approaching, we hope to be able to provide more lunches for the students and thereby continue to build the trust and friendship between the students and Yonsei employees and professors.”