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[INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS] Presidents of Yonsei, Keio, Korea and Waseda Universites Gather at Korea-Japan Millennium Forum

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

—Focus on Contributions to World Peace and Prosperity 

On October 21 and 22, the thirteenth Korea-Japan Millennium Forum was held at Waseda University in Japan. In attendance were the presidents of Yonsei, Keio, Korea, and Waseda universities, along with students and faculty members from each institution. The forum, which was established in 2002, seeks to enhance cooperation and intellectual exchange between the universities, while helping to shape a vision for the future of Korean-Japanese relations.   

The theme of this year’s forum was “Korea-Japan Relations for the Next Generation: Contributions to the World for Peace and Prosperity.” The four presidents discussed the development of higher education and the role of private universities in improving relations between Korea and Japan.  They also emphasized the importance of research cooperation on issues of vital interest to both nations, such as the aging of society.

From Yonsei, Mo Jong-ryn, vice president for International Affairs, Kim Sang-jun, director of External Cooperation, and Lee Bo-kyung, director of International Education, gave presentations and led discussions on the “Enhancement of Gender Equality and Diversity in University and Society” and the “Korea-Japan Relationship in the World.”  In the student session, there were presentations and discussions on the theme of “Building a New Korea-Japan Paradigm.”  Participating in this session was Underwood International College (UIC) student Du Jun-ho, who is currently on exchange at Keio University. 

Next Year, Yonsei will play host to the fourteenth Korea-Japan Millennium Forum.