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[YONSEI NEWS] Baekyang-ro Reconstruction Project Progresses

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

The Baekyang-ro Reconstruction Project, which will transform the Sinchon campus into a pedestrian-friendly green campus, is moving full speed ahead. The project commenced in August 2013; currently, workers are in the midst of digging out the center of campus and framing the underground structures. 

 —Alumni Donations Reach 3.73 Billion Korean Won

 Alumni donations are playing an important role in financing the Baekyang-ro Reconstruction Project. Since April, 13,572 Yonsei alumni have donated a total of 3.73 billion won, including seventy-eight who have given more than 10 million won each. The project is expected to be completed next August, coinciding with Yonsei’s 130th anniversary.

 —Good Summer Weather Aids Construction

 Mr. Lim Hong-chul, director of the Baekyang-ro Reconstruction Project, stated that “the construction process aims to minimize any discomfort for Yonsei students, and we hope to continue the speedy progress so that students can enjoy the results as soon as possible.” Mr. Lim indicated that the fair weather this summer has aided in moving the construction along at a rapid clip. In the Stage 1 Area, a pedestrian path has been completed, connecting the Central Library and the School of Engineering, while in the Stage 2 Area, which includes Centennial Hall and the Student Union Building, excavation work is currently underway.  According to Mr. Lim, above-ground construction is taking place during the summer holiday to minimize student discomfort once the fall semester begins; as such, beginning in September, workers will be focusing on below-ground construction.

—Green Campus for Pedestrians

 In the past, Baekyang-ro was used by at least 15,000 vehicles per day. Students often felt unsafe walking along the road; at the same time, there was a lack of green space for them to enjoy. Next August, when Baekyang-ro is reborn as an eco-friendly green campus, there will be ample area for students to congregate under the trees, and they will be able to walk freely about, as all vehicular traffic will be directed underground.   

—Underground Space and Multi-Functional Education and Culture Facilities

The Baekyang-ro Project will create a number of multi-functional spaces for education, cultural events, and conferences conveniently located between the Central Library and the Student Union Building. In addition to multipurpose classrooms and conference rooms, there will be exhibition halls and cafeterias.

 —Safety First in Construction

Currently, there are three major construction projects underway at Yonsei: the Baekyang-ro Reconstruction, the College of Business Administration Building, and Woojungwon.  For each of these projects, a premium has been placed on safety, with careful planning to prevent accidents and effectively respond to potential emergency situations, such as fires, sinkholes, or landslides.  In-depth safety training for workers and strict regulations, including mandatory daily safety checks, are intended to ensure that no workers or students are injured during the construction.