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[INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS] Yonsei Graduate School of Social Welfare and Mongolia’s Social Welfare and Service Sign Bilateral MOU

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

-Agreement Calls for Cooperation on Social Welfare Development in Mongolia and Joint Academic Seminar

The Yonsei Graduate School of Social Welfare and the Social Welfare and Service of Mongolia’s Government Implementing Agency have signed a bilateral MOU paving the way for cooperation on research related to social welfare in Mongolia and on the development and expansion of Mongolia’s social welfare system.  Additionally, the MOU will allow for exchanges of social welfare experts, programs for talent and research development, and joint academic seminars.  At the signing ceremony, which took place October 21 in Ulaanbaatar, there were various Mongolian social welfare officials and dignitaries in attendance, including D. Bayarsaikhan, Director-General of Social Welfare and Service, and Choi Gi-ho, President of Ulaanbaatar University.   Dean Choi Jae-sung of the Graduate School of Social Welfare and Mongolian Deputy Minister for Population Development and Social Welfare E. Tamir also discussed creating a joint academic seminar, as well as ways to more effectively train social welfare service workers and improve Mongolia’s social welfare system overall.