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[YONSEI NEWS] Aerospace Strategy and Technology Institute Hosts 2013 Aerospace Strategy and Technology Forum

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

On April 18, Yonsei University’s Aerospace Strategy and Technology Institute (ASTI) hosted the “2013 Aerospace Strategy and Technology Forum” in the Chang Ki-Won International Conference Room of the Yonsei-Samsung Library. The forum was sponsored by the Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF). The forum, whose theme was “Strategies and Development of the Aerospace Industry Sector,” opened with a speech by ASTI Director Lee Jae-young, and it included congratulatory messages from Yonsei President Jeong Kap-young and ROKAF Chief of Staff General Sung Il-hwan. Ahn Kyu-baek, a National Assembly member and official of the National Defense Committee, delivered the keynote address. In his speech, General Sung said: “The effects of technological advancements in the aerospace sector are great. The development of aerospace technology will bring growth in many other sectors and contribute to the national economy. Today’s forum will consider how Korea might develop its airpower in the future to enhance security on the peninsula, as well as how we might find practical applications for the latest technology.” The first session was titled “Major Issues in Korea’s Air and Space Power: Technology, Industry and Strategy.” The speakers included Ahn Young-su, research fellow at the Defense & Aerospace Industries Research Division of the Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade, Lee Dae-sung of the Korea Aerospace Research Institution, Yoo Hong-ju from the Agency of Defense Development, and Choi Jong-geun, Director of the National Security Strategy Research Center at ASTI. In this session, they discussed the importance of the aerospace sector in Korea and proposed directions for future development. In the second session, Professor Lee Hee-woo of Chungnam National University (CNU), director of the CNU Integrated Logistics Support Research Institute, and Kim Jong-Dae, editor of Defend 21, gave presentations related to the theme of “Air and Space Power and Korea’s National Security.” The presentations were followed by a robust discussion between Hwang Il-do, reporter at the Dong-A Ilbo, Professor Kim Young-ho of the Korea National Defense University, and Choi Jong-geun.