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[YONSEI NEWS] “Giving Hope to all Physically Impaired Students”

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

Shin Hyung-jin’s Mother Donates 600 million KRW to Yonsei Mrs. Lee Won-ok, mother of Shin Hyung-jin, recently made a donation of 600 million KRW to Yonsei University. “Hyung-Jin is an important role-model for many physically impaired students,” Mrs. Lee said. “I am still convinced,” she continued, “that it was a miracle for Hyung-jin to complete his undergraduate studies in Computer Science and then go on to graduate school. I will always be grateful to Yonsei for the love and support that we have received, and I wish to show my gratitude by giving back to the university.” Mrs. Lee would like part of her donation to support the forthcoming Baekyang-ro Renovation Project: “I have many fond memories from the past ten years of taking Hyung-jin to class and wandering along Baekyang-ro.” Hyung-jin was diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) when he was seven months old. Despite a number of challenges, including a life-threatening emergency in 2004, Hyung-jin was able to graduate from Yonsei with the loving support of his mother, who took him to and from school and helped him to take notes in the classroom and prepare for exams. In recognition of her efforts, Mrs. Lee was awarded an honorary degree from Yonsei in 2011. In addition to the 100 million KRW she has earmarked for the Baekyang-ro Renovation Project, Mrs. Lee plans to contribute 500 million KRW by 2015 to the Computer Science Development Fund. “Taking Hyung-jin to and from his classes,” she said, “I have seen the difficulties students face due to the shortage of labs and computers. It is my hope that this fund will help students to more effectively progress with their learning.”