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[YONSEI NEWS] Ready to be Yonseian, Son Yeon-jae Visits Campus

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

“I am thrilled to be attending Yonsei University, a school that I have always wanted to go to. I will do my best as a proud Yonseian.” “The Fairy of Rhythmic Gymnastics” Son Yeon-jae will start studying at Yonsei in 2013. As a soon-to-be Yonseian, she visited the campus ahead of the start of the semester. On December 27th, Son visited President Jeong Kap-young at his office with her mother and her agent. President Jeong welcomed Son to Yonsei and wished her well on her studies and games. He gave her a signed copy of his book on economics with a Yonsei teddy bear as a gift. Son visited the Yonsei-Samsung Library and was excited about starting her life at Yonsei.