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[YONSEI NEWS] The First Conference on Contemporary Philosophy in East Asia Held in Taiwan

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

On September 7th to 9th, professors Nikolaj Pedersen (UIC), Sunwoo Hwan (Philosophy), Lee Seung-chong (Philosophy) attended the first conference on contemporary philosophy in East Asia (CCPEA), held in Taiwan. They each presented papers on epistemology, metaphysics and comparative philosophy, respectively. Professor Nikolaj Pedersen gave a presentation on his paper, “No Need for Entitlement,” and Professor Lee Seung-chong gave a lecture on “Doing East Asian Philosophy Analytically: From Zhu Xi and Yulgok.” Professor Sunwoo Hwan also gave a talk on his study, “The Notion of Potential Infinity and Modal Quantificationalism.” CCPEA aims to convene philosophers who are rooted in Asian intellectual traditions to discuss and share the experience of shaping a new type of philosophy in this region. CCPEA can help to establish an international forum for philosophical discussion in East Asia. English is the official language of CCPEA. This conference is sponsored by the National Science Council, Taiwan, and is organized jointly by the Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, National Tsing-Hua University and National Yang-Ming University.