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[YONSEI NEWS] 2012 Conference for Future Church – Church Innovation

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

Yonsei University College of Theology and The United Graduate School of Theology held “The 2012 Conference for Future Church” from June 25th to 28th at the Main Auditorium. The event was themed “Church Innovation – Toward a better World” and experts from various fields sought innovative ways for churches toward an improved world. Special lecturers included Pastor Lee Young-hoon of the Yoido Full Gospel Church, Pastor Park Jong-hwa of the Kyungdong Presbyterian Church and other presiding pastors of major churches as well as former president of Ewha Woman's University Jang Sang and Yonsei University professor Kim Hyun-mi. Yonsei University President Jeong Kap-young said in an opening speech, “Korean churches are facing a new turning point with the development of transportation and communication means. Qualitative growth is expected of churches.” He added that, “Through this conference, hopefully, we will discover wisdom for innovation fulfilling both the pursuit of ‘the Christian identity’ and ‘the social responsibility of churches’.”