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[YONSEI NEWS] Yonsei Supports PyeongChang 2013 Special Olympics World Winter Games

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

On July 10th, Yonsei University, Korean Bar Association, Girls Scouts Korea, Korea Scout Association and Korea Airports Corporation signed a sponsorship agreement with Na Kyung-won, chairwoman of the Organizing Committee, at Baekyangkwan Hall to support the success of PyeongChang 2013 Special Olympics World Winter Games. The 5 organizations expressed in earnest their participation in the games that will be held from January 26 to February 6 next year. Yonsei University will provide facilities such as dormitories and a gymnasium for 4 days needed in the operation of the host-town program offering Korean cultural experiences for 106 athletes from England, Australia and New Zealand. The Special Olympics is a global movement aimed to help children and adults with intellectual disability. It encourages their involvement in society by providing sports training opportunities and hosting games. Chairman Na of the Organizing Committee said, “We are grateful for the support from the 5 organizations and, in return, we will do our best to ensure that the Games is a success.” Yoo Kang-min, vice-president of Yonsei, said in a commemorative speech that, “Yonsei University is opening a global future with its 3rd educational founding through the Incheon International Campus. This founding is significant in that it is not only an institution of academia and research, but also a member of society standing on the side of the weaker and socially disadvantaged groups.” He said that Yonsei will do all it can to help “as a reliable sponsor providing a dormitory and a sports center as well some 100 volunteers.”