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[YONSEI NEWS] : Yonsei Alumni Association Holds “New Year’s Greeting Night”

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

Yonsei Alumni Association held the “2012 Yonsei Alumni New Year’s Greeting Night” at the Grand Ballroom of the Grand Intercontinental Hotel in Samsungdong, Seoul on January 10th. Hur Dong-Soo, President and CEO of GS Caltex, and Lee Jong-Deok, President of Chungmu Art Hall, received the “Proud Yonseian” awards. The “Honored Alumni” awards were given to Jo Byung-Gook, the former Director of the hospital associated with the Holt Children’s Services Inc., Gang Won-Hee, medical missionary to Nepal, Kim Jo-Ja, former head of the Korean Nurse Association, Park Young-Been, CEO of Kyongnam Bank, and Choi Hyun-Soo, professor at Korean National University of Arts. Lee Jae-Geun, President of Seoul Arboretum, Ra Jung-Ook, former Secretary General of Yonsei Alumni Association, Jo Nam-Joon, President of PJ Design, and Jung Jae-Young, President of Keumgang service Area won Contribution Awards.