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[YONSEI NEWS] Professor Kim Dong-ho’s Research Team: Cover Article in The Journal of Physical Chemistry B

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

Professor Kim Dong-ho (Department of Chemistry, Yonsei) and post-doctoral researcher Yoon Min-cheol’s (first author) study on the aromaticity of expanded porphyrins and the relationship of balance changes in structural isomers was published on December 22nd last year as the cover article in The Journal of Physical Chemistry B (IF 3.603), a representative journal in Physics and Chemistry. As a very important concept in Chemistry, the molecule’s aromaticity-antiaromaticity is an essential parameter which manifests the reactivity, stability, and functionality of structures with pi-electrons. In addition to the two-dimensional plain figure in molecule, the aromaticity of three-dimensional molecules has recently gained much attention in research. As a spectroscopic approach on the shift of equilibrium among isomer in association with the three-dimensional structure and the aromaticity of expanded porphyrins, the research by Professor Kim and Dr. Yoon conducted a quantitative analysis on the shift of equilibrium in relation to surrounding temperature and solvent. The findings are anticipated to provide important information regarding the optical functionality of porphyrins and its derivatives, which will be applied to next-generation devices such as solar energy conversion, photodynamic therapy, data storage technique, and display technology.