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[YONSEI NEWS] “Servant Leaders Communicate with the World”

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

Despite the heavy rain and sultry weather across the nation this summer, the Yonsei Leadership held various programs on campuses for future global leaders. The 3rd Yonsei Servant Leader Challenge Program The Servant Leader Challenge Program offered a specialized leadership curriculum which was comprised of an Engineer course (June 22nd-24th), Business course (June 29th-July 1st), and Public Service and Journalism course (July 13th-15th). The program, in its third year, was successfully completed by a total of 95 students. The program, chiefly designed for career development and leadership cultivation, was composed of hands-on activities such as diplomatic negotiations, team building, Enneagram tests, and educational plays. For the Vision Mentoring session, professionals in diverse career fields were invited, whom student participants were eager to meet and listen to their stories. Facilitating Leaders of University Students (FLUS) Conference The Facilitating Leaders of University Students (FLUS) at Yonsei held the National High School Student Facilitators Conference with support from the Korea Facilitators Association, from August 1st to 2nd on Sinchon campus. FLUS Yonsei is a student organization that explores facilitation, noted for its effective techniques and strategies for social interactions, and provides facilitation training for next-generation global leaders. The conference, first in Korea to be aimed at high school students, was attended by over 100 students from 43 high schools across the nation. The students were offered with a unique experience to learn democratic methods for reaching an agreement and conference strategies. Good Neighbors-Yonsei Adolescent Global Leadership Camp The 2nd Adolescent Global Leadership Camp took place from August 3rd to 5th on the Yonsei International campus, for which 233 high-school student representatives gathered. This leadership camp was organized last year when Yonsei University and Good Neighbors, the international non-profit organization first in Korea to attain the general consultative status from UN ECOSOC, signed to collaborate in fostering global leaders and cultivating a world with no violence, discrimination, and poverty. This year, the Adolescent Global Leadership Camp was designed to help young Koreans understand poverty around the world and take action to alleviate the severity. This was in part an effort to accomplish the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) announced at UN in September 2000. Particular MDGs that were discussed at the Camp include achievement of general elementary education, reduction of infant mortality rate, and enhancement of maternal health. The action resolution that the student participants compiled during the Camp will be delivered to the Busan 4th High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness which is to be held in November at BEXCO. 2011 Yonsei-Keio-Rikkyo-Fudan (YKRF) Leadership Forum From August 8th to 13th, the student delegates of the Yonsei-Keio-Rikkyo-Fudan (YKRF) Leadership Forum participated in academic seminars and cultural exchange programs at Fudan University, China. Under the theme of ‘Creating the New Concept of Asian Leadership in the World from the 10 year’s Leadership Forum Experience’, Professors of Fudan University, Professor Hua Xue and Professor Dingli Shen, presented lectures on the future of Asia and the roles of next-generation leaders in the Northeast Asian region. Sharing her experience of leadership cultivation, Xinyi Chen, a student of Fudan University, proposed the features of a Chinese leader. The presentation was followed by a discussion with other participating Japanese and Korean students. Discussions also included the leadership in times of national crises, such as in the recent earthquakes in Japan, express train accidents in China, and flood catastrophes in Korea. Such discussions further extended to those on diverse approaches to an East Asian Community.