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[YONSEI NEWS] First Regular Semester on International Campus

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

As the hub of global education and research, the International Campus of Yonsei University has instituted its first regular degree programs. While the whole campus will open in 2013, some departments and programs have been launched this spring semester. Its first group of students constitutes 429 from School of Integrated Technology at College of Engineering (undergraduate and graduate program), Underwood International College, Open Major, College of Medicine, College of Dentistry, College of Pharmacy, and so on. Whereas students in the School of Integrated Technology at College of Engineering and College of Pharmacy finish their studies on the International Campus, students in the other majors complete their first two semesters on the International Campus and take the following semesters on Sinchon Campus. As a residential college, the International Campus is oriented towards a harmony of learning and living experiences. The dormitories on International Campus present diverse opportunities for language learning, sports, culture and art. All lectures on the International Campus are offered in English, providing an atmosphere for English-immersed education. For chapel lectures, the English lectures presented on the Sinchon Campus will be offered through real-time video communication.