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[YONSEI NEWS] Yonsei University, Top Private University in 2009 Educational Investment Expense per Student

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

In a recent report on the 2009 educational investment expense per student among four-year universities with more than ten thousand enrolled students, Yonsei University came in first among the private universities and Seoul National University ranked in the first place on the overall chart. The educational expense, referring to how much the university spent for education per student in 2009, was calculated by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and the Korean Educational Development Institute and announced on the university information website (academyinfo.go.kr). According to the report, the average of the educational investment expense per student among the 173 four-year universities in Korea was 10,561,100 won, an increase of 7.3% compared to 2008 (9,838,600 won). As shown above, the university with the highest amount of educational investment was Seoul National University (33,439,500 won), followed by Yonsei University (20,471,800 won) and Sungkyunkwan University (16,617,400 won). Among the four-year universities, regardless of the number of enrolled students, the university with the greatest amount of educational investment was Cha Medical University (68,640,600 won), followed by Pohang University of Science and Technology (67,064,300 won) and Jungwon University (37,038,700 won). The amount of Cha Medical University was more than 14 times greater than that of Shingyeong University (4,720,700 won). Among universities with over ten thousand enrolled students, the educational investment expense of Seoul National University was 6 times greater than Baekseok University.