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[YONSEI NEWS] “The newest smart devices aren’t really smart enough”

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

Special Lecture to High School Students by Professor of Interdisciplinary Programs in the College of Engineering Lee Ki-tae Professor of Lee Ki-tae delivered a special lecture to an audience of high school students on November 5th at the Centennial Hall on Sinchon campus. He stressed that the department would foster researchers who are competent in business as well. He also explained that the students of the interdisciplinary programs in the College of Engineering would be supported by the leading IT students fund; and that the department will run laboratories in five special research areas such as “smart interactive” and “computer culture.” In his presentation, he said, “A central aim of education is to encourage a wide range of ideas, even the absurd and silly ones, and transform them into research studies with business significance. In the laboratories, undergraduates and graduate students will construct a community like a company or town and work together. In this unique atmosphere, they will establish the basis of success and social contribution.” In his reply to a student’s question on promising technology in the near future, Professor Lee said, “Just keep in mind that today’s smart devices aren’t that smart enough. We still have a lot of research to do, and you should join us.”