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[YONSEI NEWS] Honorary Diploma to the Deceased Independence Fighter and Patriot, Kim Sang-Deok

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

2010 Summer Graduation Ceremony The 2010 summer graduation ceremony was held on Aug 27th at 11 am at the Main Auditorium. A total of 1,066 bachelor’s degrees, 1,303 master’s degrees, 11 research degrees, and 254 PhD degrees were awarded. Moreover, a post-mortem graduation diploma was awarded to the late Kim Sang-Deok, whose degree was halted for 92 years while he fought for Korea’s independence. The late Kim Sang-Deok was attending his second year at the College of Humanities and Arts when he participated in 3.1 Independence Movement in 1919. He continued fighting for Korea’s independence against Japanese rule despite being jailed twice for participating in the resistance movement. The government honored him with Order of Merit for National Foundation in March 1st, 1963. After his passing in 1964, he was the first civilian to be granted a 1st place plot in the National Cemetery. Yonsei University honored his noble patriotism and courageous deeds during the summer graduation ceremony this year. Many students, parents, and faculty attended the ceremony to pay honor to the late Kim Sang-Deok and to congratulate the graduates.