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[YONSEI NEWS] Wonju Yonsei Dream Team Wins Silver Medal at the Vancouver 2010 Winter Paralympic Games

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

At the Vancouver 2010 Winter Paralympic Games, Korea’s wheelchair curling team, or the Wonju Yonsei dream team, won silver medal—Korea’s second-ever Paralympic medal and its first-ever medal in a team competition. Despite the general apathy towards disabled sports and the limited training resources for winter sports games in Korea, the national wheelchair curling team finished in second place. And considering the low budget and lack of support, it was practically a miracle. The members of the national wheelchair curling squad were Kim Hak-sung, Cho Yang-hyun, Kang Mi-suk, Kim Myung-jin and Park Kil-woo; and the team coach was Kim Woo-taek. The Wonju Yonsei dream team was organized in August 2003. Kim Woo-taek first met some of the current team members when he participated in funding activities, such as wheelchair basketball, for the disabled at Wonju Christian Hospital, Yonsei University. It was during the boom in hope of hosting the Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang county when discussions about a winter sport rehabilitation program took place. Wheelchair curling was suggested because people with severe disabilities can also enjoy the game. After wheelchair curling was decided on, Kim Woo-taek proposed some of the athletes he worked with for wheelchair basketball to be national players for the Korea’s wheelchair curling team. The team members started training in October 2003 and next year took part in their first World Wheelchair Curling Championships in Switzerland. For the past seven years, the team gathered for training in October every year and competed in the World Championships in February. With not enough space to practice, the national team borrowed an ice rink in Chuncheon for training practice. They also looked up foreign websites and other references on curling, which were all in English, and observed video clips of curling matches. “This silver medal is such an extraordinary achievement. I hope this result brings more stability and confidence to the team players. Also, I am happy that this medal has aroused more attention to the Paralympic Games, and hopefully it will attract more interest and support—that will last.” said Coach Kim Woo-taek.