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[YONSEI NEWS] Yonsei’s Vision in 2010, the 125th Anniversary Year

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

Yonsei Staff Conference in Songdo The university staff conference was held in Sheraton Incheon Hotel and Songdo Convensia from January 19 to 20. The conference was for sharing Yonsei’s vision and diverse opinions of Yonsei’s staffs. The conference was started in the international campus in the morning on January 19, and followed by the opening church service in the afternoon. Pastor Kim Heung-gyu from Incheon Naeri Methodist Church preached with the title of “Axe? Or Soil?” In the presentations followed, Seo Seung-hwan, chief officer for international campus, reported the current process of establishing the international campus, and Lee Tae-young, general manager of the project, presented ‘Yonsei Vision 2020 and the Role of International Campus’. After the presentations, Professor Kim Sun-hye from Yonsei Law School gave a lecture on ‘Building Gender-equal Culture in Education’ and Ahn Sang-su, the mayor of Incheon, did a guest lecture on ‘The Future Development Strategy of Incheon’. On January 20, the staffs participated in the conference visited various sites in the Incheon, including China Town and Incheon Bridge. Around 500 staff and employees from Yonsei’s two campuses and health system participated in the conference. (354 staffs: 243 from Shinchon campus, 26 from YUHS, 85 from Wonju campus, 124 employees: 7 from Yonsei Corporation, 106 from Shinchon campus, 8 from YUHS, 3 from Wonju campus ) University president Kim Han-joong also participated in the conference with all members of university administration to share Yonsei’s vision.