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[YONSEI NEWS] A Professor Dies after a "Beautiful Adieu"

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

"The Last Lecture" of the Late Professor Song Ha-won Professor Song Ha-won, a renowned professor in the field of civil engineering, passed away this July. He taught students until June, keeping his terminal cancer a secret. The news became known later after he died. He was diagnosed with lung cancer in May last year. He fought the disease with firm determination, but did not let his colleagues and student know about his illness, continuing his lectures and research all the while. An outstanding scholar who was awarded many academic awards in his field, he wanted to share his academic achievement with his students to the last minute. In February this year, he gave up his anticancer treatment to prepare his lecture for Spring semester, which became his last lecture. He wore hairpiece and took medicines to fight the pain while giving lectures. Professor Song did not merely offer specialist knowledge in his lectures. Whenever he had students with economic problems, he supported the students with his own money. "He was a person who couldn't ignore students with economic problems, although he was very rigorous in his research," one of his colleagues said. "The students must have learned the art of sharing and living together as well as academic knowledge from Professor Song." After finishing the last lecture, Professor Song was hospitalized at Yonsei Severance Hospital. On 25 July, he bade his final adieu to his loved ones and student. In the funeral service honoring him on 27 July at the Luce Chapel, about 1,500 mourners gathered to pay their last respect to the deceased. Following his will to help students in need, the family of the deceased donated condolence money of 30 million Won as a scholarship on 6 August. On 24 August, the family donated another 10 million Won to the Beautiful Foundation to the fund raised to help Asian immigrants to Korea buy books in their language. Professor Song actively supported foreign students to make his laboratory "the most internationalized space" in the College of Engineering, always showing a genuine interest in and concern for his international students, aiding, for example, his Indian student to pay for his mother's medical operation. The donation was proposed by Professor Song's eldest daughter Hyejin, and the Beautiful Foundation is planning to use the fund to buy books in foreign languages for a library for immigrant workers.