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[YONSEI NEWS] Sinchon Sponsors of Yonsei University Give Scholarships to Eight Students

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

Despite the struggling economy, the residents and merchants of Sinchon came together to present eight Yonsei students with scholarships. The “Sinchon Sponsors of Yonsei” held their 14th anniversary event on November 25, during which the scholarships were presented to the students. This year was also the 14th year of the scholarship, which began in 1995. Eight students were awarded two million won each. President Oh Joong-Seok of the “Sponsors” shared his enthusiasm and support for Yonsei. “Through scholarships and various donations, we have participated in making Yonsei what it is. I am proud of our small share in such an enterprise.” A representative from Yonsei expressed gratitude on behalf of the university for the group’s support of a total of 152 students. Yoo Ji-Hwan, one of the scholarship recipients, read a letter in which he thanked the sponsors and promised to become worthy of such support.