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[YONSEI NEWS] Yonsei Main Gate Underpass Reborn as Student Venture Space

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr


Yonsei Main Gate Underpass Reborn as Student Venture Space

-Opening of ‘Seoul Start-Up Café’
-Space for Start-Up Project Planning
Yonsei University and the Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) have jointly launched the ‘Seoul Start-Up Café’—Sinchon Branch by renovating the underpass connecting the main gate and Sinchon. The Start-Up Café is designed to promote youth start-up ventures, offering a space for networking and the sharing of ideas among university students and members of the general public. It also provides consultations and training programs for aspiring entrepreneurs.
The project to reshape the largely disused underpass was the result of cooperation between the university, SMG, and the Seodaemun-gu Office. Yonsei is providing the administrative staff for the Start-Up Café, and their role is to assist in organizing start-up related training activities, such as mentoring by specialists and model presentations for investors.
In April, Yonsei signed a cooperative agreement with Sogang University, Ewha Womans University, The University of Seoul, Dongguk University, and Baewha Women’s University regarding the shared use of the Start-Up Café. Through this agreement, each school will be able to showcase its start-up programs. According to Hong-Gyoo Sohn, director of the Yonsei Enterprise Support Foundation: “With this joint agreement, we can create and generate interest in start-ups and expose residents of northwestern Seoul to start-up culture. Through the Start-Up Café, we can help to build innovative and self-sufficient start-up communities.”
On July 26, the opening ceremony for the Start-Up Café was held. One attendee, Yonsei Business Administration student Gyu-sang Song, said: “Currently I am active in the ‘Yonhee Startups’ club. We plan to hold meetings at the café every Thursday. I really hope this space will be open to anyone who is interested in start-ups, and that the space is welcoming to everyone, providing a start-up atmosphere that nurtures an open mindset.”