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[YONSEI NEWS] Yonsei Provides Start-Up Mentoring for Students

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

Yonsei Provides Start-Up Mentoring for Students
-Youth Business Start-Up School
As part of its Start-Up Support Initiative, Yonsei hosted the Youth Business Start-Up School on February 24 and 25. Also known as the Start-Up Dream Canvass School, the event welcomed area high school students, including many from the “Bizcool” (Business + School)program; the aim was to provide students a forum for developing ideas for business start-ups through practical learning activities.
A number of experienced entrepreneurs from a variety of business sectors mentored the students in how to establish a realistic start-up business. More specifically, the curriculum focused on idea generation, preparing and organizing proposals, and developing marketing strategies.
According to one of the student participants, Lee Won-young, the Youth Business Start-Up School “was a very helpful and practical learning event. Start-up item ideas can be vague. This learning event assisted me in familiarizing myself with thoughtful planning and analysis regarding detailed organization and realization of start-up ideas.”