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[YONSEI NEWS] Wonju Students Gain Valuable Practical Work Experience

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

Wonju Students Gain Valuable Practical Work Experience
-Work Study Program Selected by Ministry of Employment and Labor
On February 11, the Ministry of Employment and Labor selected the Yonsei Wonju Campus as a participating institution for its IPP-Style Four-Year College Work Study Program initiative. The government program is designed promote coordination between universities and corporations in terms of developing skills and knowledge relevant to today’s workplace. At the same time, it aims to create opportunities for university students to gain more real-life work experience.
The program is geared towards students in their junior and senior year, and it lasts at least four months. By integrating their major courses with practical work experience, it is believed that students will become more marketable, while corporations will benefit from hiring new employees with a specific skill-set.
In all, ten universities were selected for the program. The criteria established by the Ministry of Employment and Labor focused heavily on an understanding of corporate culture and the ability to produce students capable of executing corporate work tasks. The Yonsei Wonju Campus received high marks for its infrastructure and partnerships with local industry, especially in the medical technology sector. The campus also has a vibrant network that includes thirteen public organizations.