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[COVER STORY] Baekyangro Returns

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

Baekyangro Returns

—Various Events Held to Celebrate Occasion


On October 7, Baekyangro on the Sinchon Campus was officially reopened as a pedestrian-only space. Thousands of Yonseians celebrated the event, enjoying a number of commemorative events, including a parade, music concert, and exhibition.



Baekyangro in Blue, Three Parades Merge into One

The official parade was composed of three separate groups that converged on Baekyangro. From the south, one group started from the U-PLEX square in Sinchon; a second began at Severance Hospital, while the third took off from the Yonsei South Gate. The three groups then met at the Yonsei Main Gate, forming a single parade.


More than 3000 Yonseians took part in the parade. Adding to the festive atmosphere, the parade was led by a marching band, a Korean folk band, a color guard, and a cheering squad. Among the marchers were faculty members wearing academic gowns, international students in traditional costume, athletes in uniform, and Severance staff in their medical clothes. Once the tape in front of the Main Gate had been cut, the parade moved up through Baekyangro.



“Baekyangro Is the History of Yonsei”

Yonsei President Jeong Kap-young presided over the official Baekyangro Reconstruction Celebration. In his remarks, President Jeong said: “The course one follows becomes a way, and when many walk the way, it becomes a history. So Baekyangro is the history of Yonsei.” He added: “Baekyangro has become a place for human-oriented culture, communication, and convergence, as well as a symbol of Yonsei.” President Jeong also thanked the audience members: “Your support and endurance have been the driving force in reopening this great Baekyangro.”


After the president’s address, the nameplates of donors to the project were unveiled in the underground level of Baekyangro. A little later, an opening ceremony for the Yonsei Kumho Art Hall was held. In it, Park Sam-koo, group chairman of Kumho Asiana, expressed his “hope that the Yonsei Kumho Art Hall will provide a foundation for the growth of students and allow them to show their cultural abilities.” Chairman Park added: “I promise ongoing support for this splendid art hall, which will enhance artistic sensibility and allow performing musicians to showcase their exceptional talents.”


The celebrations were capped off by the KBS Music Concert, which opened with Yoon Do-hyun’s band. Many other musicians, such as Kim Gwang-jin, Ali, Yoon Hyung-joo, and An Chi-hwan, also appeared on the stage. According to Han Mi-so, a student who took part in the festivities: “I am glad that Baekyangro has come back, and I hope that it will become a vibrant space for communication and culture.”