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Campus Life

Administrative departments


Office of Facilities

Registration and management of materials for education, administration and research


Property Management TeamEngineering Research Park 425B (Office Supply / gardening), Baekyang Hall S202 (One-stop)

Construction TeamEngineering Research Park 425A

Device Safety TeamEngineering Research A, Main Auditorium B01 (Safety part)


One-stop support02-2123-4000


Team of Property Management

  • Registration and management of materials for education, administration and research
  • Co-management of budgets of equipment for education and administration
  • Equipment and asset condition investigation and disposal of non-usable goods
  • Distribution of expendable goods (certificate case, envelope, chalk, exam papers etc.)
  • Landscape design and construction
  • Management on gardens, forests, green houses and nursery fields. Supplies plants for school events
  • Installment and Support of electronic devices, projectors etc.
  • Management of Computer rooms, remote classrooms

Team of Construction

  • Establishment of long and short-term construction plans on architecture and civil engineering facilities.
  • Design and supervision of new construction of buildings, additions, and repairs for design, Rent business license permission management
  • Management of maintenance of school architecture and civil engineering facilities
  • Construction for space modification

Team of Device Safety

  • Establishment of construction plans for facilities related to machinery, electricity, fire safety and environment
  • Management and maintenance of facilities related to machinery, electricity, air conditioning, heating, ventilation , water supply , drainage, and environment
  • Maintenance of construction and facilities related to machinery, electricity, fire safety and environment
  • Management of environmental facilities (wastewater treatment plants , septic tank sewage , pump stations)
  • Management of legal energy limitation, statutory inspection check , court reporting services
  • Processes work requests