[YONSEI NEWS] Closer to Local Community

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

Yonsei Removed Walls and Became Greener Yonsei stepped one step closer to local community by removing the walls that surrounded the campus. On October 15, the completion ceremony for removing walls and planting trees instead was held beside the main gate. From May, the walls enclosing the campus were gradually removed and transformed into a green area for everyone by planting trees and leaving small pathways between them. The green area is connected to another green area from ROTC building to the South Gate, which was built in 2005, and continues from the Hydrogen Station to the Funeral Service Building past the main gate. Different types of trees were planted in harmony, and benches were placed for everyone. The project costed 825,000,000 Won, and supported by Seoul Metropolitan Goverment and Seodaemun Gu Office.