[YONSEI NEWS] Jung Mong Joo's State Exam Answer Sheet Discovered

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

A manuscript of Poeun Jung Mong Joo's examination paper, written in 1360 when he passed the state examination first on list, was discovered for the first time. Professor Do Hyeon-chul (Department of History) announced on 5 March that the precious manuscript of Chek-moon (策問; 188 pages, written approximately under king Choongjong in Chosun dynasty) was acquired, including examination papers of about 30 other famous literati as well as Jung Mong Joo's. Chek-moon (策問) is an examination to deal with pending issues of nation, and Dae Chek-moon (對策問) means the examination paper. The question Jung Mong Joo addressed was the scheme and tactics which would coincide with righteousness (義) if an unavoidable circumstance of using military power happens followed by an invasion of the Red Turban Bandits (紅巾賊). Jung Mong Joo gave a balanced argument in his 1800-words paper: "It is an unchanging principle and a grand rule that the king should be able to use civil and military together. Red Turban Bandits sprang up recently lacking this condition. A nation can be stabilized if persons of talent with both civil and military are given important positions. Persons such as Kang Tae Kong, Sima Rangju [military strategist of Qi dynasty], Zhuge Liang who were endowed with both attributes defeated enemies through benevolence and righteousness. We should employ such persons, following such a good examples." Professor Do said that "Jung Mong Joo proposed to train military officers in both civil and military skills, just as Lee Saek suggested establishing the military service examination in 1351." "Furthermore, the part where Jung Mong Joo mentioned benevolence and righteousness reflects the reception of Neo-Confucianism in late Goryeo," Professor Do added.