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[YONSEI NEWS] Professor Yoon Dae-seong’s Research Team: Cover Article in Chemical Communications

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

The study findings of Professor Yoon Dae-seong’s (Division of Biomedical Engineering, College of Health Sciences, Wonju Campus) research team were published as a cover paper in a current issue of Chemical Communications (IF 5.787), a famous academic journal in Chemistry. As a team, Professor Yoon Dae-seong, Research Professor Kwon Tae-yun (BK21 Medical Engineering Technology Agency), and Dr. Eom Gil-ho examined the maneuver method of micro-device with DNA as an energy power source. The team’s study identified how the cantilever can be operated by the structural changes in biomolecules, which are fixated to the surface of cantilever and generated by the chemical reactions of the buffer solution. These findings have suggested the possibilities of the development of advanced actuators run by nano/micro-scale chemical fuels. Also, the study has proposed a plausible way to control the actuator on a nano/micro-scale.