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[YONSEI NEWS] Importance of Global Competitiveness

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

Special Exchange Lecture by Professor Jang Ha-sung, the Dean of Korea University Business School “Korean Universities now are like factories which turn diamonds into pebbles. They are failing to promote the potential of their students,” Jang Ha-sung, the Dean of Korea University Business School, told in a special lecture titled “The Dream Together is a Reality” at Daewoo Hall on April 1st, emphasizing the importance of reformation of university education. “Korean universities should honestly face the fact that the so-called SKY (Seoul National University, Korea University and Yonsei University) students are better than the students of distinguished universities overseas when they first enter universities, but not when they graduate,” Prof. Jang pointed out. He was relentless in his criticism: “It is true that ‘SKY’ graduates created global corporations, but it is not thanks to their university education. It is rather because their parents made them to be a ‘diamond’ through their early education.” Professor Jang also added that it is “time for both Yonsei and Korea University to help build global competitiveness together, not to stay complacent in their present status,” for as far as he saw it, “there isn’t really a proper business school in Korea that can compete on a global level.” “To have a dream that may even sound absurd” was another suggestion of Prof. Jang. He said that “nobody thought it was possible when Martin Luther King first proclaimed his dream of abolishing racial discrimination” but “it was his effort to accomplish the dream that changed the world.” He suggested that “it was always people who had dreams who led human race to another direction” and he hopes “students here would make efforts not only to get employed by famous companies or government enterprise, but also to have an ambition and to make the ambition come true.” The special lecture was the first session of “Exchange Lecture” by the deans of business schools of Yonsei and Korea University. Professor Park Sang-yong, Dean of Yonsei Business School, will visit Korea University and give a lecture with a title of “There is No Impossible Dream” on April 7th.